Having problems with your nose, your wrinkles became visible, and you’d like bigger lips? Maybe, but you don’t wanna have plastic surgery – now, hardworking and intelligent Japanese people have invented accessories that will help you do that.
1. Face lifting
This is something you put in your mouth and it starts vibrating (sounds weird?), and you can select the ‘strength’ depending on how many wrinkles you have and want to eliminate.
2. Eye-wrinkles gone
This gadget works almost the same way as the previous one, you put it around your eyes and adjust the vibrating force and that’s it – your wrinkles disappear, or so they say.
3. Nose lifting
Yeah, you’ve read it right, nose lifting. This accessory is designed to help you lift your nose with two silicon holders on both sides, so you can have a perfect profile. Shop selling them guarantees that after ‘wearing’ it 20 minutes a day you will never, ever have a nose problem.
4. Growing lips
This little lip helper will train your lip muscles, whatever that may be, and pump up your lips without using any kind of injection and silicone. Also for 20 minutes a day.